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Humility In The Path Of Ambition and Greed, Fukushima & Krakatoa

‘Humility is the solid foundation of all the virtues.’ - Confucius - Mankind has the power to create and destroy everything on Earth; Krakatoa 1883 explosion loudest unamplified sound ever heard on Earth; Depleted Uranium killing our soldiers, damaging genes, malformed babies USA & Iraq, Afghanistan; Trans Pacific Partnership corporate wedge to subvert national laws & regulation

Restraint In The Paint, We Do Have Limits On This GMO’ed Earth As The Fukushima Rivers Forever Radioactively Flow Into The Once Fair Pacific

As we watch the ocean and the blue sky, planning for the future, full of faith that it will be there for us, we have to be a little wary today. “Before the specialization of the disciplines that accompanied the Industrial Revolution, one of the dominant strains of Western culture was a concern for the limits of responsible action. And these limits were defined primarily by the human place, below the angels and above the animals, in the hierarchy of created things. To act in violation of these limits is to invite consequences that cannot be controlled, and may not be survived.’ – Wendell Berry