Comey “You’re Fired” by Trump – But Let’s Blame Rod Rosenstein 5-11-17
Email to Nick 7 AM 5-11-17
Surfers up reel early going politically crazy…
Good rant Nick.

Donald Trump Has Been Mad-Crazy About FBI’s James Comey ‘Showboating’ On TV Amping-Up Russia Investigation[/caption]
However, right now, it’s Donald in the White House (WH) mad-angry at James Comey
for intensifying Russian FBI probe, Comey getting DAILY briefings last 3 weeks
instead of weekly, asking acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (RR) for
more fundage for probe, while also telling members of Congress about this.
Trump getting so crazy he summons recused Attorney General Jeff Sessions
and Rosenstein into his office to advise him on firing Comey – who testified
in the last month that he could not rule out investigating Trump in his Russia/FBI probe.

Acting Attorney General Vexedly Talked About Resigning After Trump Pretended Firing FBI’s Comey Was HIS Idea[/caption]
Story is Trump asked Rosenstein to write up what he ended up writing up about
Hillary Clinton-email-saga-screw-up, which Trump presented to the world, along
with his sophomoric self-exonerating letter saying Comey told him three times
he wasn’t under investigation (Lie Lie Lie? unlikely Comey would reveal anything
about an ongoing investigation. See Trump’s tripsicle contentions about this tonight in Interview
with Lester Holt NBC Evening News Anchor.). Then everybody lying about the story, following

Sorry Vice President Spews Out Partyline As He’s Told, Repeatedly Lying That James Comey’s Firing Wasn’t About The FBI Russia Investigation, Along With Other Kowtowing White Housers[/caption]
the party line, including lying Pence himself, doing it several times in public, and
Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the latest upgrade to Sean Spicer, come WH spokeswoman,
the lie going (yesterday, 5-10-17) that ROSENSTEIN CAME TO HIM/Trump with the idea.
Rosenstein talking last night (5-10-17) about resigning, he is so pissed off that everyone
could now blame HIM for coming up with the idea. Washington Post article published last
evening with many co-authors who spoke to people at the FBI who are ANGRY (~75% lead co-author said)
or Fearful (~25%) of what der Fuhrer has done/might do to them, but mostly really angry
and they will do their probing with even more ire and dedication henceforth.

Supposedly Recused Attorney General Jeff Sessions Approves (Sez Trump) Comey Firing Because It Was About Hillary Clinton Being Treated Unfairly
Not Russia Investigation[/caption]
And Sessions had recused himself from the Russian probe yet he – it is being said – reportedly
involved himself in the Comey firing, approving it, but Trump probably thinking the ridiculous
10-&-7-months–ago-email story should cover anything about Sessions violating his own recusal.

Fired Attorney General Sally Yates Performed Expertly & Graciously 5-8-17 On Pres. Trump’s TV, Enraging Him So Much He Precipitously Fires James Comey[/caption]
Trump also crazed by Sally Yates performing on TV so well, and authentically, on Monday that that
was the day he would work himself up to fire Comey. He also may have been nutsoed by Comey
being on television and in the public eye so much. In the interview with Lester Holt Trump calls
him a “showboat” and a “grandstander.”

James Comey “a showboat and a grandstander’ Jealous Donald Trump Tells NBC’s Lester Holt Usurping Trump’s Star Status on TV[/caption]
Never forget the Donald’s tumoraceous monster ego.
Also, Comey did hint that he was beginning to find indications of possible collusion.

Trump The Schoolyard Bully Taunts Senator Chuck Schumer in ‘Cryin’ Schumer’ Tweet Miscalculating Gravity Of His Impulsive Firing Of FBI’s James Comey[/caption]
Plus, Trump is such a mafioso that he ungraciously sophomorically taunts out a tweet at ‘Cryin’ Schumer’
like the schoolyard bully he is.
The class of an ass.
The hoodlum in him then does not graciously summon Comey to his office to diplomatically tell him
he is fired. He sends out his bodyguard to deliver the news like a true Don and is so arrogant and
uncivil that he doesn’t even care to find out where Comey could be when his hit man leaves with
the horsehead notification – for Comey is in LA delivering a speech to FBI employees there, where
he first discovers eye-ing a TV in the background announcing that he is fired, which he initially thinks is a joke.
Trump throwing away a dedicated head of the FBI like he’s a piece of sh*t.
Which enrages people in the FBI. Listen to their responses all over the media and on the internet. Most
have Trump in their sights now, as they know what he’s done, and that he is probably guilty of all charges
you could imagine, including treason, and they are now really going to get him. Trump bit the wrong rabid dog.
Comey is freer to comment on Trump now. He has been invited on Tuesday to testify as a citizen about Trump
behind closed doors with the Senate Intelligence Committee. He has not as yet accepted the invitation.

Michael Flynn, Disgraced Fired Head Of NSA, Approved By Trump Administration Despite Being Unregistered Foreign Agent[/caption]
Plus, Michael Flynn didn’t comply with requests for documents from the Senate Intelligence Committee, so a
subpoena was sent out to him from the committee yesterday.
The noose is getting tighter. Apparently, Trump the bully, has no one in the White House who can
reach any sensible area in Trump’s brain when he is raging, screaming at the TV, and OH, not letting in reporters
or Democrats to the Oval Office but joking around with the two Sergeys of Russia yesterday, fawning on them
but not allowing any American photographer in the room. USA media having to go to Tass the Russian
propaganda outlet to get photos of Trump palling around with these two men like happy gangsters.

Trump & The Two Russian Sergeys Guffawing Together In The Oval Office, No American Photographers Allowed To Be Present[/caption]
Someone bringing up that Trump never should have done this, because Russians like these are notorious
for doing their natural duty as spies and maybe planting some type of bugging device now in the Oval Office.
Donald acts like this with the Russians who have hacked our elections, laughing with them, while excluding
everyone else. Something wrong there, Nickie?
Oh, and then Trump being so blind he has who with him yesterday by the fireside as the forest fire is beginning
to burn out of control and people are comparing what is happening to Richard Nixon’s Watergate?
Why, Nixon’s evil Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger: the American responsible for more deaths than anyone
else in our history (perhaps excluding the World Wars): 4 million Asians during the Vietnam war.

And look who’s in the White House After Pres. Trump Fires The FBI Director Investigating His Administration: Henry Kissinger! Mass Murderer Responsible For Deaths of 4 Million Asians[/caption]
South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham said Trump was within his rights to fire Comey. Many Republicans
and Trump supporters drink the kool-aid that he fired Comey for treating poor Hillary, who he dearly loves, unfairly.
But now all these facts are coming out, swinging the narrative off the lie-track that our liar-in-chief has railroaded
into his surrogates’ mouths. Pence complied with the party line. Too many Republicans believe the baloney. But
as the FBI digs in deeper, this will lead to the revelation of what Trump knows he has done, along with his confederates,
and that is why he is now going more and more crazy as he expresses himself and our nation
over the ledge of impeachment which is waiting for him and all the lemmings following him….
Here’s the link to the video (~2 minutes in length). You’ll never forget it! No Donald Trump in it either!!

NBC’s Lester Holt Interviewed Pres. Trump; Asks Specifics Of Claim Comey Told Him 3 Times He Was Not Under Investigation[/caption]
FYI – Trump now in the interview with Lester Holt states he was going to fire Comey all along. Yet he and the White House
put out the story yesterday that acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein HAD COME TO HIM with the idea.
That is why Donald Trump is President and Liar-in-Chief, making all his subordinates shell out the same lie all day long
yesterday, and this evening it will be a different lie/story. Who can keep up with all his lies? He can’t. When liars lie
they can’t remember which lie they lied last. But as Huey Lewis and the News said way back in 1981 ‘Sooner or Later,
Some Of My Lies Are True.’ But which ones?….

‘(Sooner Or Later) Some Of My Lies Are True’ – from Huey Lewis & The News first album[/caption]
(C) 2017 Conrad Miller M.D.