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Ivermectin On Neutral Ground — Used For Over a Decade By Dr. Steven Phillips

Steven Phillips M.D. is a Chronic Disease physician who has used ivermectin in his practice for more than a decade. The latest is: ivermectin is being used and studied to treat prostate cancer.

From Dr. Phillips’ 2022 paper: ‘It is important to note the many amazing qualities of this inexpensive, safe medication that’s on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. It’s saved countless lives globally in its use as an anti-parasitic, and for that it won its discoverers the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2015. But in addition to that, its other diverse therapeutic effects, including broad antiviral activity, have helped solidify its reputation as a “wonder drug.

For example, many may not know that ivermectin, even on its own, has profound anti-cancer effects without significant toxicity, unlike many traditional medications that work against cancer. And when used in combination, it can turn chemotherapy-resistant cancers into chemotherapy-sensitive ones, as well as work synergistically with non-traditional anti-cancer agents, such as dichloroacetate.

Ivermectin can also induce re-myelination. Myelin is the lining around nerve cells that gets destroyed in Multiple Sclerosis (MS)—Ivermectin can reverse this in MS animal models. (This is a complex topic beyond the scope of this post, and not without caveats, so I’ll plan to write a separate post about MS soon.) Ivermectin also promotes the regrowth of damaged peripheral nerves and functions as an immunomodulator, meaning that it helps fix an abnormal immune response. And to top it off, “Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use.”

Given the above, you might imagine that ivermectin could be useful for patients suffering from chronic infections that confuse the immune system, as such patients frequently wind up with long-term neurologic damage. And that’s why I have so much experience with it, even before Covid. I’ve prescribed it for countless patients over the years and it’s been enormously helpful for a significant subset.’

To see the rest of this most enlightening article about this tragically maligned out-of-patent drug, please go to:

Also you might want to watch the tweet-video here as Dr. Pierre Kory, Critical Care specialist, explains in two very-tight minutes why they had to destroy ivermectin:

Share Dr. Phillips’ very informative paper/link from an angle you may have not appreciated yet, with your colleagues please. And Dr. Kory’s video explanation also.

More to come

Conrad Miller M.D.

Biden Trump Seniors Election 2024 Michael Moore, P Zeihan, Kakkar Rap
Presidential Election 2024 Coming Soon.
All three of the views included in this post of now in the run-up to the presidential election post ‘debate’ are excellent.
Michael Moore’s is very compassionate; Zeihan’s is analytical esp re senior moments; and the
rap is dynamic and brilliant by Kakkar:  [Plus at the end is a link to an excellent Robin Williams 5″ video where he
takes on the persona of the USA Flag at age 204!]
       First, a few sentences from Michael Moore:

‘Dem leaders want us to believe we didn’t see what we saw at the debate. But my eyes don’t lie. Neither do yours. This isn’t about whether Biden’s fit to serve 4 more yrs—but rather should he serve 4 more days? What happened on that stage was heartbreaking.’  Michael Moore

We Are Asking the Wrong Question About Joe Biden on this Fourth of July – [see Moore’s article link below, and then its text under the Peter Zeihan’s post], 2024

link to Michael Moore:

But next, check out this short one minute 25 second dynamic brilliant red vs. blue rap by Sharad Kakkar:

Sharad Kakkar

excellent white boy double-duty (red vs blue) rap only 1:25 long

Next ************************************************

The Senior Home Showdown: Delusional Biden vs. Demented Trump

by Peter Zeihan on July 4, 2024

‘If you watched the presidential debate last week, I’m sure you’re really, really excited for the election this year!

Since so many of you wanted me to talk about this fever dream we’re living in, I

figured we’d do it on Independence Day.

For those that didn’t catch the debate, you can just head to your local retirement home and get the same experience from a couple of relics living there. The gist is that neither of these candidates are fit for office and a vote for either of them is a threat to national stability. Great Grandpa Biden – I mean President Biden – revealed how much his cognitive abilities have declined, slipping deeper into his deluded state. Trump was off in his demented-fairyland-state where lies are currency and angry tantrums are the status-quo.

At the end of the day, not much has changed since my first prediction.’

Or use this link

‘The “true” independents will play a critical role in deciding the outcome of this election. Biden still has the upper hand, but Trump isn’t going down without a fight – and his cult followers will be sure of that. There is an opportunity for Biden to step down and have a more qualified candidate step up at an open convention, as long as its not someone like Elizabeth Warren or Bernie Sanders. And let’s be realistic, no other Republican candidates can challenge Trump’s grip on the party.

So, in all likelihood we’re looking at a 2020 rematch, with candidates who are four years older, less capable, and more embarrassing than before. Would someone be able to pinch me?’

We Are Asking the Wrong Question About Joe Biden on this Fourth of July – by Michael Moore – compassionate view ‘tis

‘To paraphrase an old Richard Pryor joke, “Who are you going to believe? Me, or your own lying eyes?”

Since the presidential debate last week, the leaders of the Democratic Party, in full 5-alarm fire mode, want us to believe we didn’t see what we saw.

“It was just a cold.”

“Everybody has an off night.”

“Ok, so it wasn’t his best performance.”

“All presidents have one bad debate.”

“You’re not going to judge 52 years of public service by 90 minutes of a lousy debate, are you?”

“He’s 81! What do you expect? You’ll be 81 someday!”

“He’s not a quitter. He’s all in. This is Scranton Joe we’re talkin’ about!”

“Yeah. Sure. The debate was a disaster. So what?”

These answers are all malarkey. That’s probably because we are asking the wrong question when we ask “What are we going to do about Joe?”

Maybe we should be asking what are we going to do about ourselves — and what can we do to get him some help?

Perhaps we should start with a definition of terms. Why do people keep calling it a “debate?” Isn’t that kind of like saying Israel is at “war” with Hamas? After all, if it’s a “war,” don’t there have to be things like armies, tanks, fighter jets, aircraft carriers, and the threat of nuclear annihilation on both sides? If only one side has these things, and the other side has none of them, is it really a war?

Was it really a debate if one of the debaters is so mentally and physically incapacitated that he cannot complete a sentence, randomly flips between discussing abortion, the three trimesters of a pregnancy and how great his golf game is, then looking around, unable to find one of the four cameras pointing at him, he suddenly turns his head all the way to the left as if he were looking for Rhode Island, and then out of nowhere raises his voice and shouts, “WE FINALLY BEAT MEDICARE!” Not Ohio State, but Medicare.

We saw and we heard all of that, no matter what the Party hacks keep telling us. It was heartbreaking. It was truly, without equivocation, unlike anything any of us had ever seen. No matter where you stood on the Joe Biden scale, from Joe the Working Class Hero to Joe the Banker of Palestinian Ethnic Cleansing, one thing was certain: This was not a cold. This was a human being in utter collapse. Not just political collapse, or performance collapse, but rather a full frontal lobe meltdown where at any moment you had to wonder… was it possible that the sweet and fragile existence we call “life” was about to short-circuit, or worse, lose power (to Trump)? And that no amount of shouting “STAT!” or cutting quickly to a commercial break was going to restore the President-cum-Patient to full capacity in order to save this even more fragile Democracy.

Do not mistake my criticisms of Biden spending 9 months in the loving embrace of Bibi Netanyahu as meaning that I do not deeply appreciate his 3 years of being the most progressive President of my lifetime. That’s right, my friends, there has been more action taken, through executive orders and legislation, to protect the environment, more government officials appointed who are, in their heart of hearts, Democratic Socialists, more serious funding to lift millions out of poverty, more support for labor unions, libraries, single mothers and college students deep in debt. And he has had this fervent, almost religious zeal to fight greed and obscene profits due to a true compassion he has for those dealt a bad hand in life — and he has had more of all of that than all the good presidents like Kennedy, Obama, and Carter were able to muster.

He will have another mini stroke in the next few months (he’s probably had one or two already) and then, sadly, the decline will not be reversed. Best to make a plan now and not wait until October. This is not about whether he’s fit to serve another four years — this is about whether he should serve another four days in the toughest job in the world. That’s the question we should be asking. If he offered to drive you from Flint to Detroit tonight, would you get in the car?

I’m not a doctor. I could be (and hopefully am) wrong about all this. But I do have eyes. They don’t lie. I, like nearly every one of you, had (or currently have) four grandparents and two parents (some of you have even more, with wonderful step-parents and step-grandparents). And if you yourself are over the age of 40, your eyes have seen it, too. The slow decline of your elders, followed by a sudden incident or event and then, without warning, your loved one is confused, not sure where he or she is at, can’t find the keys, can’t find the rest of the thought she just had, or the ability to even end the sentence he was in the middle of. It’s all quite normal and to be expected — and it will visit all of us one day. It won’t feel good. It won’t look pretty. But more than likely, that feeble, humbling moment will not be televised LIVE to an audience of 2 billion people around the world, with Jake Tapper’s hot breath breathing down your neck and telling you, ironically, that your time is up. Who exactly is Jake Tapper, you might ask yourself at 81. It won’t matter. Because at that point, when you suddenly blurt out that there are “1,000 trillionaires in America!” and you’ve spent your presidency trying to make them just pay their friggin’ taxes but now you realize these rich-ass barbarians are at your gate — well, then, nothing will really matter.

I’m sorry, my friends, but if I have to be the only one to stand for Joe Biden, to protect him from the cruelest form of elder abuse I’ve ever been forced to watch, well then that’s what I’ll do. He was in epic distress that Thursday night. Every cognitive default in his mind was shutting down. If this had been someone you truly cared about, loved, embraced — what would you have done? Would you have seriously even let him go out on that stage? Who would send an 81-year-old out onto any stage to debate a living monster at 9 o’clock at night for a brawl that would not end until 10:42 PM? Honestly, have any one of you ever looked at the clock, saw that it was getting near 11 PM, and said to yourself, “I think I’m going to give Grams and Gramps a call!” You never did that because it would be cruel. The only people who would think of forcing an elder to perform at that hour of the night would be the same people who would insist on 6 straight days of non-stop “debate prep” — hours and hours each day of standing and talking until you were hoarse and exhausted. Trump was right when he turned to Biden to ask him what his problem was as to why he never fires anybody. It’s amazing to me that how, a week later, anyone on this campaign staff still has a job after running this tired and grieving father into the ground. A man who had just watched his only remaining son convicted as a felon for the outrageous crime of needing help, for being an addict. Who would put this old man through a brutal boot camp, make him memorize 200 facts and stats and then pick the wrong podium without once going on the stage the day before to check the lighting, the sight lines, and where the bully would be standing, lying, a smug TV star who knew what the red light on the camera meant, who knew timing and how to wait and when to pounce and devour his prey — all while speaking in his softest, most fake-empathic voice, his most honest statement of the night: “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence — and I don’t think he knows what he said either.”

Biden was not well. Biden did not possess the faculties he needed. Something was wrong. Did nobody see this in the days leading up to the collapse? Did not a single person raise their voice to ask, “Maybe we shouldn’t do this to him?”

But they did do it to him. And the repercussions that we, the world, and the generations after us will have to suffer through are not even part of the discussion this week. It’s all about making sure he stays in the race — and nothing about the risk to his life he is facing as they push him to soldier onward.

So I will say this to protect him from an out-of-control Party machine that is in a panic over what to do. For any of us to be silent now is exactly what the term “elder abuse” is meant to describe.

Leave Mr. Biden alone. Let him rest. Let him go home.

He has done his job. Let him have his dignity. Do him this favor.

Tell the press that President Biden has asked to have an independent team of doctors do a full medical evaluation of his mental and physical health.

When they are through, they, along with the President, will then announce the full results to the public and give their honest assessment: “For the good of his well-being, he must stop work, he must step down.”

The next day, President Biden will give his final remarks in a short and beautiful statement on the South Lawn of the White House. The place will be packed with thousands of grateful, everyday Americans — fry cooks and teachers, bricklayers and nurses, gay teens and vets, the homeless, the union members and the elder-care workers — all of whom know what he is doing is for the good of the country he loves so dearly. He once saved the world from a man named Trump, and now, in one last selfless act, he is stepping aside to ensure this Trump will be banished for good. Millions, upon hearing him speak while he wipes the tears from his eyes, will weep, too. Biden will never be forgotten. A profile in courage.

The Founders of this country were smart in many ways. They knew there would be presidents who would not make it through even a four-year term. So they set up a position called “Vice President” just for that reason. It’s amazing to think that we’ve had only 46 presidents and that 9 of them (20%) never made it to the end of their term. Four were assassinated. One resigned. Four more died of various illnesses. Each time there was a smooth and peaceful transition with the Vice President being sworn in as the new President.

This is not an unusual moment we are in this week. It happens. There’s precedent. And if President Biden is unable to perform his duties, there is a tried and true solution. He resigns due to the obvious medical issues that were on full display the night of June 27th. His vice president, Kamala Harris, is sworn in as President. By federal campaign rules, she, and only she, inherits all the campaign funds in the Biden-Harris war chest. Biden will urge all his Biden-Harris convention delegates to support her. She will now be the Incumbent President who will run on the incredible accomplishments of the Biden-Harris administration. There will be no real convention fight, and nearly every American who had planned to vote for Biden will vote for Harris (as recent polling has revealed). Many have already stated that they’d vote for a dead cat or a ficus plant instead of Trump. Some have even said that they would go all-out-Weekend-at-Bernie’s and vote for a “dead” Biden if that meant keeping Trump out of the White House.

One possible bonus in all of this will be that a record number of votes from women for Harris will make up for some of Biden’s loss of the youth and Arab vote. And there’s this: For over 8 months, it has been reported that Kamala Harris has pushed for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. One thing seems possible from this mess we’re in — less Palestinians will die with her in the Oval Office.

And this: Some day we will look back and see that we grew and got better as a country and finally finished the job of having a full, equal and complete Democracy. Our first female President, it turns out, ended up playing a big role in making that happen. Another gift from Joe Biden, picking her, knowing she was the right one when, during their own debate on a stage in 2020, she gently but caustically reminded him that as a Senator in D.C., he once stood in the way of her going to an integrated school in Berkeley, CA.’  — Michael Moore —



Robin Williams takes on persona of USA flag age 204. Brilliant!!!

Putin/Russia Rosatom Corporation Now Control 60% Of World’s Nuclear Technology

Rosatom – Russia’s Atomic Corporation, Now Controlling 60% of World’s Nuclear Technology[/caption]

While we have been distracted by the Trump chaos affecting the entire world over the past few years, Vladimir Putin and his nuclear ambitions have taken over 60% of the world’s nuclear technology.  This includes his brilliant idea of developing and selling FLOATING nuclear reactors.  Where will their waste end up? Who will possibly monitor it? There is bribery and corruption in the tale, spread across the planet from Egypt to Bangladesh to South Africa to Finland and Egypt, as only the murderous dictator Vladimir Putin could create. Michael Flynn wanted to be part of the sales team, as we now know.

Putin’s Nuclear Ambitions Now Threaten Planet Earth[/caption]

Here are the details, provided by California’s Ace Hoffman, anti-nuclear archivist and activist:


November 15th, 2018


Dear Readers,


Rosatom (formerly known as the Federal Agency on Atomic Energy, and now also known as the Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation, the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, or the Rosatom State Corporation (1)), is the state-controlled Russian nuclear energy company that builds nuclear reactors (including icebreakers and — upcoming — floating power reactors, several of which are under construction at this time (2018)) (2).  Rosatom also mines, refines, enriches and reprocesses uranium, and — big surprise here — makes Russia’s nuclear weapons.  Established in 2007, its headquarters are in Moscow.  Rosatom currently has over a quarter of a million employees (3).


Rosatom is the world’s largest exporter of nuclear technology, with roughly 60% of the current market (4).  Rosatom is building, operating or has approval for approximately three dozen reactors in Bangladesh, Belarus, China, Egypt, Finland, Hungary, India, Iran, Turkey and elsewhere (5).  Expected service life for their current large power reactor series, the AES-2006, is a minimum of 60 years (6).  In 60 years one reactor will produce approximately six million pounds of high level nuclear waste.


It is reasonable to assume that most, if not all of Rosatom’s foreign and domestic (Russia) reactors are approved through the payment of bribes.  The resulting costs are usually far higher than they would be otherwise.


For example, in Bangladesh, where a “deep-rooted and widespread corruption culture” exists, all types of power plant cost far more than elsewhere in the world. One study estimated the average price of a power plant in Bangladesh was double the global average.  Russia is building two units in Bangladesh (Rooppur 1 & 2), due to go online in 2030, currently estimated to cost 45% more than the same style of plant would cost in Russia (7).


In Saudi Arabia, where “corruption is widespread” (8): “Two committees in the US House of Representatives are investigating efforts by former US National Security Advisor Mike Flynn to enlist Russia’s Rosatom in a deal to deliver nuclear reactors to Saudi Arabia” (9).  Mr. Flynn recently pled guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russian officials and faces up to five years in prison (10).  Rosatom doesn’t yet have a deal in Saudi Arabia, but is on the “short list” to build the first two reactors there (11).  (Apparently, solar and oil are not considered viable options for the sun-rich and oil-rich nation.)


Another country plagued by corruption — and building and operating Rosatom reactors — is China.  China and Rosatom recently (June, 2018) signed “the biggest package of contracts in the history of the two countries’ nuclear partnership” (12) to build four “Gen III+” VVER-1200 units as well as a CFR-600 fast reactor pilot project, and to supply Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators and Radionuclide Heater Units for China’s “lunar exploration program” (13). The space nuclear units will use Plutonium-238, one of the most toxic substances known, nearly 300 times *more* toxic than weapons-grade plutonium-239 (Pu-238’s decay cycle is correspondingly less than Pu-239’s 24,100 year half-life).


How corrupt is China?  “At least 12 senior-level NEA [National Energy Administration] officials have been investigated or charged with corruption in the past decade, including two directors and four deputy directors” (14).  The NEA agency is only one decade old!  In 2010 the former head of China’s main nuclear energy company was jailed for life over bribes (15).  At the current pace, China will be the leading producer of nuclear energy by 2030 (16).  China will thus also be the leading producer of nuclear waste.  After Fukushima, China decided to place most of its new nuclear reactors along its coast, not at interior sites, presumably so that if/when there are meltdowns, most of the radiation will be spread globally, with a much smaller proportion poisoning China itself.

Fukushima Nuclear Reactor Unit 3 Destroyed March 2011 Tsunami/Earthquake/Explosion; China Wants To Now Place Their New Reactors Close To The Ocean So That Any Radioactive Leakage/Accidents Would Flow Into The Ocean, Rather Than Forever Contaminate Much Of Their Land[/caption]


In 2017 Rosatom signed a “Memorandum of Understanding” with the nuclear power division of Brazil’s state-owned energy companies (Eletrobras and an affiliate of Eletrobras), with the plan of building at least two reactors there (17).  Brazil is now governed by a far right-wing racist president, Jair Bolsonaro, considered by many (for example, his son) to be “just like Trump” (18). Bolsonaro ran on an “anti-corruption” platform; however his campaign was accused of fraud, spreading fake news, and violating campaign finance laws (19).


Recently Rosatom signed deals with Egypt to build the first nuclear power plants in North Africa.  Russia will provide 85% of the projected $21+ Billion cost.  Four 1200 Megawatt reactors will be located about 100 miles south of Cairo (20).  The cost of Russia’s loan to Egypt could swell to over $70 Billion during the 35-year life of the loan, and cost overruns are typical with all Rosatom deals (21).


In India, where Rosatom has contracted to build a dozen reactors (22), India’s former chief regulator was concerned that substandard parts were being supplied by Rosatom subsidiary Zio-Podolsk, after one of Z-P’s directors was arrested on charges of corruption, fraud, and supplying “cheap Ukrainian steel blanks and steam generators” for the reactors at Kudankulam (23).


In Finland, Rosatom took over partial ownership of the Hanhikivi 1 reactor after financial problems nearly sunk the project before it even began.  It is “the biggest investment project in Finland” (24).  Construction is expected to start in 2020.  Originally claiming the project would cost around $5 Billion, current estimates put the total cost nearing double that, with completion optimistically expected in 2024 (25).  Doubling (or worse) of the cost of nuclear reactors is so frequent it can’t be accidental — therefore it should be considered a form of corruption.


One deal that Rosatom tried to make apparently fell through — a $76 Billion scam to build ten nuclear reactors in South Africa.  The arrangement “reeked of corruption” and would have represented 1/4 of South Africa’s GDP (26).


Rosatom makes deals that involve loaning massive sums of money to cash-poor countries, and requiring payback even if the projects are not completed on time (or ever).  Most of the financial arrangements are kept secret and — as can be seen from the above examples and many others — most probably involve corruption, mismanagement, bribes, and other scandals.  Once a deal is in place, the Russian government uses the arrangement to exercise political pressure, stopping construction until the country bends to their demands or — as in the case in 2014 in Ukraine — threatening to cut off nuclear fuel supplies for their Soviet-built reactors (27).


And even in countries without a Rosatom nuclear power plant deal, Rosatom corruption runs deep.  According to a New York Times article from 2015, Rosatom “had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West” (28). The sale gave Rosatom control of 1/5th of all U.S. uranium capacity in a deal signed off by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who’s Clinton Foundation then received over $2.35 million in donations from four family members of the Russian company known as Uranium One (which became a fully-owned Rosatom subsidiary in 2013).  Tens of millions more dollars were donated to the Clinton Foundation by “a constellation of people with ties to Uranium One or UrAsia” (UrAsia merged with Uranium One in 2007).  These donations were not properly disclosed in a timely manner, despite Hillary Clinton’s signing of a Memorandum of Understanding agreeing to do so (29).


Rosatom pushes nuclear technology in all forms, including having built more than 120 “research” reactors around the world, representing nearly half of all research reactors (30).  So-called “research” reactors, more often than not, merely train reactor operators for future jobs in industry, and many are fueled with uranium enriched to up to 20% U-235, instead of the 4% to 5% enrichment for most power reactors.  Such enriched fuel is more easily converted to bomb material.


In an undated page at Rosatom’s web site, they claim to have adopted an anti-corruption and anti-embezzlement program which “has already contributed to building a corruption-free environment within ROSATOM” (31).




But meanwhile, Russian president Vladimir Putin, through his security forces and rabid supporters, continues to assassinate political opponents, reporters, whistleblowers, lawyers, and former security agents, even those who have left the country and sought asylum in Western democracies.


Ace Hoffman

Carlsbad, California








(3): (pg. 104) Also see op. cit. (1).





The AES-2006 is also referred to as the VVER-1200.  See:


Study by the School of Engineering, Cardiff University, United Kingdom:




















See also:


op. cit. (23)


op. cit. (21)










© Ace Hoffman

Carlsbad, California


Fukushima Unit 3 pic from flickr >>

Title Unit3-rpv-top-arrow

Author: flarthurhu

Source: Flickr

Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)


Putin photo

Source: flickr

this is the link / license


for Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International

(CC BY-SA 4.0)

Author: Global Panorama

Vladimir Putin [taken July 8 2014]



Documents You Should Read

The book, The Most Important Issues Americans Think They Know Enough About references many documents– from websites to government documents to the published work of other authors. Some of these things listed here are links to other websites; some are downloadable as PDF documents or Word documents, while others are republished here with permission.

We’ve compiled these documents in one place for you so you’ll know what was heretofore The Unbelievable: We’re not making this stuff up!

We’ve broken down the references into 5 sections (choose one below):

Sample Resolution Vs. Radioactive ‘Recycling’ and Deregulation

Resolution Against Radioactive "Recycling" and Deregulation Be it resolved that the undersigned entities hereby support a prohibition on deregulation of radioactive wastes and materials. This includes any and all deregulation of radioactive wastes and materials for "clearance," "release," "recycling," "exemption," listing as "below regulatory concern," or any other legalistic mechanism that could result in the dispersal of nuclear wastes and materials into public commerce, unlicensed disposal, or designation and treatment as non-radioactive.

WTO is an Illegal Institution from 2001

Something not mentioned by the corporate press or most of the 1,200 groups from 85 countries that opposed the World Trade Organization (WTO) policies during and after the Seattle demonstrations in 1999, is the fact that the WTO is actually an illegal institution.

2005 Big Stories Organic Bytes OCA

PROTECTING CHILDREN AND ADULTS FROM TOXIC PESTICIDES JANUARY: The OCA alerted the readers of Organic Bytes about Dow Chemical and the EPA meeting behind closed doors to remove the ban on the toxic termite pesticide Dursban.