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Edition III of ‘Most Important Issues Americans THINK They Know Enough About’ Available Now From Amazon

At last, Edition III of ‘The Most Important Issues Americans THINK They Know Enough About’ is available from The book is double in size (550 pages plus Appendicies), with plenty of updating re the latest push to build new nuclear reactors with unlimited federal subsidies, the possibility of providing ALL the electricity USA homes require with wind and solar power within one decade (it is very possible!!), info re non-organic sugar now going GMO [Genetically Modified Organisms] with the patenting of GMO-sugar beets to provide half of USA sugar, a new chapter on Dignity, after all we’ve suffered with the brazen lies and deceit of the Bush Administration over the last 8 years, some facts about Obama and nuclear power that are rather disturbing, and much more. There are approximately 1000 reference endnotes annotating sources for the book’s information. There also is a section on the very worrisome North American Union organizing going on in the background, via the Bush administration, corporations, the military, in the updated WTO chapter. That may be one of Bush’s last priorities to fulfill, while Obama is standing in front of the cameras trying to fix the economy. Along with further deregulating control of GMO’s for Monsanto; lessening their responsibility for any pollution of our crops and weeds and food supply while no one is watching….

The link to the book if you wish to buy it via is:

If you wish to have an autographed copy of the book, you can order that thru the website.

In the Hamptons (Long Island, New York) Edition III is available at Canio’s Bookstore in Sag Harbor, the various Bookhampton stores, Second Nature in Southampton and East Hampton.