Two New Corrupt Crazy Trump Nominees – Pizzella & Fred Fleitz
Two New Corrupt / Crazy Trump Nominees (Potential, Currently, For Fred Fleitz)
What could happen that would be even worse than Trump’s ongoing series of acts harming our country and it’s integrity? Two and a half years, but don’t expect that Donald Trump couldn’t top (or ‘bottom’) out our nation at an extraordinary level. Amongst the hundreds of embarrassments and thousands of lies, Donald the ConMan, continues to impugn our USA on the world stage, and here at home. Believing Putin over our intelligence community about Russia interfering in our elections, announcing this at Helsinki, that was a very low point. And then don’t forget that he seriously considered Putin’s idea that weekend, to turn over Americans to Putin, including
our former Ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul!

Michael McFaul, former USA Ambassador To Russia, Almost Turned Over To Putin In Grand Trump Betrayal Post-Helsinki[/caption]
I know, there’s so much bizarreness, and replacement of offending actions by another subsequent bizarre action,
or actions, on a daily basis, that it wears out the brain to try to follow Trump administration horrors. Please imagine Ambassador McFaul having to have spend several terribly anxious nights worrying about Donald Trump betraying him via fulfilling Putin’s proposed ridiculous transaction. Unfortunately, that episode is a drop in the bucket, of our President’s ignominious behavior in office.
Now we have two new low incidences of Trump replacing current administration officials, that you should know about, including Alex Acosta, resigned Secretary of Labor, and also possibly Dan Coats, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) with candidates excruciatingly worse than the men who preceded them.
Patrick Pizzella, new acting Secretary of Labor, was a lobbyist for slave labor in the Mariana Islands archipelago back at the beginning of this century. In his new job, he is supposed to be an advocate for worker rights. Be aware that his lobbying in 2001, for extending exemption to all USA labor laws in the Marianas, has not stopped Trump from picking him to replace Alex Acosta. His work led to Asian and other workers being abused, living in guarded quarters overrun by rats, incurring coerced abortions, and other atrocities. While he arranged expensive junkets for business people to enjoy luxury and a tropical atmosphere, in the Tom Delay-labelled “petri dish of capitalism’ that the Marianas was becoming. Video segment with discussion about Patrick Pizzella in the first few minutes:
Also be aware that human-trafficking is something that the Secretary of Labor is responsible for. Which should be linked in our minds with the reason Acosta had to resign, related to the Jeff Epstein human trafficking/sex offender case, involving hundreds, or thousands of underage girl victims. Incidentally, fyi, the name of Epstein’s private jet is, believe it or not: the Lolita Express! And while we are on the level of flight consciousness, the Lolita Express taking many predatored victims to the Epstein Caribbean private island dubbed ‘Pedophile Island,’ Trump’s next travesty of a nomination to sink us deeper and deeper into his swamp could be his nomination to replace Dan Coats, Fred Fleitz.

Fred Fleitz, Another Loco Trump Possible Nominee, Who Claims USA Is Secretly Run By Muslim Brotherhood[/caption]
Who is this bozo? The information that follows should amaze and depress you at the same time. Please, allow me to share with you the transcript from Friday’s July 12, 2019 Rachel Maddow segment about him, lasting 5 minutes, starting at the 12:45 minute mark:
“What Axios and then NBC News today reported is that President Trump may
be taking initial steps toward firing the Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats
Now Dan Coats, the DNI, is one of the people in the President’s cabinet who the president
regularly and openly complains about all the time
But the thrust of this new reporting about Dan Coats potentially being fired
Is that the White House basically is floating a trial balloon about who they might want to replace Dan Coats
If in fact Trump fires him
According to Axios and NBC News today
Trump wants for his new Director of National Intelligence, this guy . . .
Seriously he wants
The author of the book Obamabomb to be the new Director of National Intelligence
According to today’s reports
His name is Fred Fleitz – he’s not a famous person – it’s OK if you don’t remember that name
He did briefly make headlines last year when
Trump’s newest national security advisor, John Bolton, tried to bring Fred Fleitz onto the national security council
for about five minutes – the freakout in national security circles around that was palpable, and it did give rise to
some sort of lurid stories about Mr. Fleitz
but now it was one thing for them to try to put this guy in a staff job working for John Bolton, even
if it was a staff job on the National Security Council,
which is an important thing – that caused enough of a freakout in national security circles – but if
these reports are correct today that Trump is now going to try to put him in the Senate-confirmable position of Director of National Intelligence, that’s gonna be …
‘Hilarious’ is not the right word, I know – this is gonna be something if they actually try to do this
This is a guy from [national intelligence] from the job he has now
The job he has now is he works as the senior vice-president for policy and programs at a
think tank [Center For Security Policy]
That think tank where he runs his policy and programs
Is the leading proponent of the crackpot theory that the
US government is secretly being run by the Muslim Brotherhood
Which has infiltrated the highest ranks of American government
(and we just don’t know it . . . )
He has argued that we need to have a new House UnAmerican Activities Committee
We need to revise that committee from back in the ‘50s – except this time
We won’t be rooting out pinkos and commies; this time we need that committee back that
needs to root out the secret Muslims that are operating inside the US government
Do you believe that!?
Holding government jobs while also being Muslim!
That must obviously be stopped!!
This is also a group I should mention
That said the Oklahoma City bombing back in 1995, that was not the work of Timothy McVeigh
Eh, don’t believe everything you’ve heard!
Obviously that was a Muslim who did that
It was like, Saddam Hussein, or some other Muslim, we’re not sure, but it was
Definitely a Muslim and it wasn’t Timothy McVeigh that blew up the Federal Building
In Oklahoma City
That’s his think tank
He also has made a name for himself on the Fox News Channel in the Trump era
By going on TV and saying that the intelligence community’s assessment that Russia interfered
in the election in 2016, that was – his words: “rigged.” He’s not saying that Russia tried to
rig the election in 2016, no Fred Fleitz says that when the intelligence community assessed that Russia was trying to intervene in the election
That assessment was rigged
Because the intelligence community is rigged
Because Russia wasn’t doin’ nuthin
Well now according to Axios and NBC News
Trump wants to make him Director of National Intelligence
And he wants to fire Dan Coats in order to make room for him
Again these are just initial reports
But given the way turnover works at the highest levels of the Trump Administration
Like including in the cabinet
This could blossom forth at any moment
And I think it is worth keeping an eye on that possibility before it happens
Because it really would be an amazing thing for them to try
That would be a good test of whether or not the US Senate
Lives and breathes, if they were confronted with an ask to confirm somebody like that, to a job like that
But as I said in the Trump cabinet there is always room to move”
– – Rachel Maddow July 12 2019 MSNBC
How much more stupid can America stand? Not to mention the denigration of our people and our
institutions? Of course, Trump likes this fool Fleitz, as he contends there was no
Russian intervention in the 2016 elections, which Trump loves to hear, from another
beckoning sycophant. Trump btw has called Jeff Epstein “a terrific guy” in the past when they used to party
together over a period of about 15 years. Were the females served up at various celebrations these two powerful men organized and attended, populated by underage innocents? Who were manipulated and molested by either or both of them? Will the truth ever come out?
Interesting William Barr fact: this wheedling Attorney General of Donald Trump’s, has
actually recused himself from something! Yes, the early Epstein case; not the latest incarnation however! If you didn’t know, William Barr’s father for some reason, gave Jeff Epstein a job teaching at his Dalton School in NY back in the 1970s, though he had never even graduated from college. Stories about him walking around the school halls in a fur coat, wearing gold chains, with his shirt buttons unbuttoned have surfaced. He lasted about a year at this teaching position.
Meanwhile, here are some links and videos that may interest you concerning the above, especially including
Epstein and our corrupted government, gamed by the very rich:
Virginia Roberts – Jeff Epstein victim via Mar-A-Lago
introduced to Epstein by socialite daughter of Robert Maxwell – of Daily News ownership fame –
Plane was called the Lolita Express [Epstein’s] democracy now show on Epstein/Acosta w Amy Goodman
Epstein’s $77 Million Mansion Raided July 2019 NYC 7-Story Bldg – – Young Turks
Acosta in charge of human trafficking as secy of Labor; MSNBC July 2019 [below link here]
Alan Dershowitz denies knowing anything or doing anything besides defending Epstein in 2008
Fred Fleitz – Think Tank Coo-Coo claiming that the USA secretly being run by Muslim Brotherhood; wrote Obamabomb; Timothy McVeigh innocent of bombing fed’l building in Oklahoma City; Rigged’ eval that Russia intervened in 2016 elections; Axios report [link will die shortly; I did record this show/made above transcript of it from 12:50 to 17:10 on the show]
Axios article on DNI Replace Coats w Fred Fleitz; quotes:
• ‘Fleitz was previously a CIA analyst and a staff member of the House Intelligence Committee.
He is currently the president of the Center for Security Policy.
• Trump has told people that he likes Fleitz and has “heard great things.” Fleitz has publicly criticized Coats
and even called for Trump to fire Coats on Lou Dobbs’ Fox Business program after Coats’ Senate testimony.
Fleitz accused Coats of undermining and “second-guessing” the president.’