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Obama Nominates Two Terrible GMO Boosters To Control Food Safety

President Obama is quietly nominating two of the WORST lobbyists and activists and mercenaries for the cause of genetically modified foods (GMO’s) as potential members of his administration. Here are some brief details and a link for you to easily do something about it: YOU can send President Obama an email.

Don’t Let Obama Put Two Terrible GMO Boosters in Charge of Food Safety!

Genetically modified foods are not safe. The only reason they’re in our food supply is because government bureaucrats with ties to industry suppressed or manipulated scientific research and deprived consumers of the information they need to make informed choices about whether or not to eat genetically modified foods. There are no GMO foods on the supermarket shelves in Europe, due to public knowledge of these foods’ and crops’ toxic affects and dangers.

Now, the Obama Administration is putting two notorious biotech bullies in charge of food safety! Former Monsanto lobbyist Michael Taylor has been appointed as a senior advisor to the Food and Drug Administration Commissioner on food safety. And, rBGH-using (recombinant [genetically altered] Bovine Growth Hormone – used in about 18% of our dairy cows as biweekly injections; milk produced having greatly increased amounts of insulin growth factor-1, linked to breast, prostate and colon cancer; the main reason dairy products lead the organic market in rocketing sales, because our parents do know about this) dairy farmer and Pennsylvania Agriculture Secretary Dennis Wolff is rumored to be President Obama’s choice for Under-Secretary of Agriculture for Food Safety. Wolfe spearheaded anti-consumer legislation in Pennsylvania that would have taken away the rights of consumers to know whether their milk and dairy products were contaminated with Monsanto’s (now Eli Lilly’s) genetically engineered Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH).
Please use the form below to send a message to President Obama, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius (oversees FDA) demanding Michael Taylor’s resignation, and letting them know that you oppose Dennis Wolff’s appointment.
Highlight and paste (or click onto) this link into your world wide web box to send Mr. Obama a message that you disapprove of another foolish step in the wrong direction concerning our food, and our environment.

This is awful! As I said a few months ago, Secretary Vilsack (Agriculture) was the President’s worst nominee for a cabinet post, in my opinion. Now we have these two nightmares being chosen to be a part of our government.

Americans should be aware of the rejection of GMO alfalfa by our govt (for fear of contaminating all the alfalfa around the country – hay, baby), the quiet approval of GMO-sugar beets, making ~50% of USA sugar thusly GMO without practically anyone even knowing about it, and the new push to GMO our wheat, which had been rejected and protested by major wheat users across the board back in 2004. The American public should be aware of what research scientists have tried to reveal, especially their adverse health effects, well-publicized in Europe. For example, that rats experimentally fed GMO potatoes developed smaller brains, testicles, and livers than did rats fed the unaltered parent line of the very same potatoes. McDonald’s was among those who protested the release of these GMO potatoes into the public environment, and these potatoes indeed were prevented from ever reaching the market.

There are so many bad effects of genetically altering our crop’s DNA for patenting and profits. Gene-gunning in gene sequences promoted by the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus have caused intestinal problems in experimental animals including increasing the size of the absorbtive villi in their [our] intestines, which amongst other things may lead to cancer. This process can also awaken dormant viruses that have resided in the DNA. The overall dangerous effect is that of opening Pandora’s box to all sorts of unknown possibilities being unleashed into our bodies and our environment.

Alert anyone and everyone you can about this travesty!
Stay healthy,
All the Best,
Conrad Miller M.D.
Author of the 2008 released
The Most Important Issues Americans THINK They Know Enough About – Edition 3
My book’s largest chapter (# Two – 183 pages) discusses genetically altered foods and crops and their dangers, and the politics behind their use being hailed in the USA lately like the emperor’s new clothes.