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Fukushima Continues Lethal Radioactive Leakages Into AIR and Water, Oct 25 2013

Fukushima’s disaster goes on and on, after the initial nuclear disaster incident began on March 11, 2011. The radioactive pollution. The ridiculous idea of an ice wall surrounding the nuclear plant, that the press, including the respected but very doubtable New York Times seems to accept as salvation...quotes from three recent NY Times articles, includes quotes from Oct 25 2013 article.

Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Anniversary #27 While Fukushima Keeps Leaking 10 MILLION Becquerels Per HOUR

April 26 2013 marks the 27th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. It has been estimated by Dr. Alexei Yablokov et. al., that, so far, about one million people have died premature deaths due to the steam explosion and ten day graphite fire that occurred at nuclear reactor Number Four in Ukraine, when that nation used to be part of the USSR back in 1986. Meanwhile, Fukushima still leaks millions Bqrls/hour of radiation...