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Dr. Miller To Be Interviewed On WPEP-AM in Taunton, Mass 5 PM Weds

Host Dave Amaral will interview Dr. Miller for one hour
from 5-6 PM Wednesday May 25, 2005 on WPEP-AM 1570 on your dial, in Taunton, Mass.

Mr. Amaral has read the entire book “The Most Important
Issues Americans THINK They Know Enough About….Part I’
and told Dr. Miller his work put a lot of things together
for him re Star Wars, genetically altered food, the World Trade Organization, and the corporate way.

Expect a lot of the discussion to center around the latest push
to get President Bush to approve offensive nuclear space weaponry. Deployment of which would be in contravention
of the Outer Space Treaty, that the USA primarily authored following the fear of Soviet Earth and space domination after the Soviets launched the first satellite into space, the Sputnik, back in 1957.

5-6 PM WPEP-AM 1570 on your dial, Wednesday, May 25, 2005

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