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30th Anniversary Chernobyl Nuclear Accident & Fukushima Spews On Into Pacific Ocean

It’s been thirty years today April 26, 2016 that the Chernobyl nuclear disaster
occurred. Life expectancy in Russia and Byelorus has dropped by 20 years since
the disaster. But 60% of the radionuclides spewed out of the damaged reactor
landed OUTSIDE the USSR, mostly in Europe. More than a million people have
died prematurely thanks to Chernobyl.

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Dr. Miller Available on Tikkun Telephone Conference Oct 26 2009

Dr. Conrad Miller M.D. will be available on October 26, 2009 for questions concerning his recent Tikkun magazine articles ‘Energy Generation in the Obama Years (No, Nuclear Power is Not ‘Safe and Clean’)’ and ‘Today’s Synthetic Foods: Shrinking Our Brains, Testicles and Livers?’  The latter was published in the Sept/Oct 2009 issue starting on page 27; the former was published in the July/August 2009 issue and can now be viewed online via or you may purchase or subscribe to the magazine.

For participation in this phonecall you may dial 888-346-3950 and then the code 11978#

It will begin at 9 PM EST or 6 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time) with an interview with Dr. Miller, and then questions will be entertained from call-in participants.

Recent news that President Obama has nominated two more pro-biotech anti-labelling men for important Dept of Agriculture positions will be discussed.  According to the Organic Consumers Association, President Obama originally had promised to ensure GMO food (Genetically Modified Organisms) and crops would indeed be labelled as these entities are for 40% of the world’s population.  Now the industry is being given the green light to go ahead with its grand plans to have the world’s wheat become GMO and patented.  Problems with the immune system, the gastrointestinal tract, incorporation into human DNA causing unknown changes in DNA function, are just some of the problems being discovered as our world is being changed not responsibly for the better by the process of imprecise gene-gunning of novel alien gene sequences into the DNA of corn and canola and cotton and soy, for beginners….

That’s October 26, 2009 at 6 PM on the West Coast of the USA and 9 PM on the East Coast.  Everyone is welcome.  Arranged by Tikkun Magazine.