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The TransPacific Partnership or TPP – The Biggest Baddest Trade Deal In History!

The TransPacific Partnership or TPP may potentially be approved by the USA this spring, 2015. It would be the biggest trade agreement in the history of the world, and also the baddest. For democracy. For sovereignty. For food safety. For the internet. For jobs. For the environment. For our health. For seniors. For people of color. But not for the banks, corporations, Wall Street, the 1%-ers, polluters, and the meters of injustice.

Humility In The Path Of Ambition and Greed, Fukushima & Krakatoa

‘Humility is the solid foundation of all the virtues.’ - Confucius - Mankind has the power to create and destroy everything on Earth; Krakatoa 1883 explosion loudest unamplified sound ever heard on Earth; Depleted Uranium killing our soldiers, damaging genes, malformed babies USA & Iraq, Afghanistan; Trans Pacific Partnership corporate wedge to subvert national laws & regulation