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No Longer An Aberration, George Bush Re-Elected

This is a terrible time for America and the world. With the re-election of George Bush,
his, and now ëour,í militant beyond-the-law actions can no longer be seen as an aberration. The American people have chosen to approve his policies for another four years. Our USA is now
the superpower that leads the world, killing civilians as a part of our war on terrorism, deeming the Geneva Conventions obsolete, torturing ëterroristsí at Guantanamo Bay or ëoffshoringí them for torture to countries like Libya, Egypt, Morocco . 100,000 Iraqis have been killed in our liberation/occupation of that country , the resources of which we are privatizing at a mind-blurring clip following a pre-ordained ëEconomy Planí and its Annex D that pushed back elections until the plan could be implemented.

No Longer An Aberration
(Bush Now Acts With An ‘Orgy of Impunity’ Post-Re-Election)

This is a terrible time for America and the world. With the re-election of George Bush,
his, and now ëour,í militant beyond-the-law actions can no longer be seen as an aberration. The American people have chosen to approve his policies for another four years. Our USA is now
the superpower that leads the world, killing civilians as a part of our war on terrorism, deeming the Geneva Conventions obsolete, torturing ëterroristsí at Guantanamo Bay or ëoffshoringí them for torture to countries like Libya, Egypt, Morocco . 100,000 Iraqis have been killed in our liberation/occupation of that country , the resources of which we are privatizing at a mind-blurring clip following a pre-ordained ëEconomy Planí and its Annex D that pushed back elections until the plan could be implemented.

We have to look back to Nazi Germany especially, and think how the world judged all Germans responsible for their countryís atrocities. As I and others travel the world today, the fear and distrust, and yes, hate, of America is reported and experienced to be at its highest height, at least in my lifetime. Those Americans who are still shell-shocked by Mr. Bushís re-election, have already been suffering in anguish at how our country is bullying the world, wrecking the planet, and preparing to weaponize outer space as a fourth field of warfare to then control what goes on on this Earth below. We who know of his administrationís atrocities, must now speak out and do whatever we can to ensure that Americaís actions do not throw our planet into an apocalypse during the remainder of George Bushís extended reign.

Isnít it strange that from the generation that fought against the Vietnam war, for peace and love, we now have a government blustering war and hate? Every day it seems, another catastrophe is deployed by the Bush administration and the citizen-unfriendly Republicans in power.

Donald Rumsfeld, who is still the Secretary of Defense, went down to Quito, Ecuador in mid-November and told Latin Americaís defense ministers that they should re-unite the police and the military to fight terrorism, drug-trafficking, hostage takers and criminal gangs. This was exactly the problem that so many countries had to reverse during the last century when we helped support all those totalitarian governments from Chile and Argentina to Paraguay and Ecuador.

How many Americans are aware of Operation Condor, ëthe covert system of co-operation, interrogation, and tortureí that our country organized to seize and execute political opponents of the above mentioned countries, plus Peru, Bolivia, Uruguay and even Brazil? ëTwas done supposedly to fight communism, but strongman Alfredo Stroessner, who ruled Paraguay for 35 bloody years, told Isabel Hilton this was ëfictitiousí in a most recent Granta magazine interview. Yet, here we go again, our strongman, Rumsfeld wants to do the same thing one more time. Push the clock backwards. And ignore any mention of human rights. Even though the Latin American defense ministers ëstrongly resist[ed]í Rumsfeldís remarks at the severely under-reported Quito meeting.

With Bushís re-election our nation is now acting with impunity, ëan orgy of impunityí as Naomi Klein describes it, defining impunity as ëthe perception of being outside the law.í We bomb Falluja mercilessly, killing civilians there, at least 2000 of them, while blowing that city formerly called home to 300,000 inhabitants, to decimated bits with our ultrapowerful high tech weaponry. Yes, there were supposed to be ëinsurgentsí there, but how many have we caught and killed? Saul Landau compares Falluja to Guernica, the Basque capital city in Spain that was bombed into surrender by Nazi warplanes in 1937 for Francisco Franco, fascist number three in Europe behind Hitler and Mussolini in the 1930ís and 1940ís. Such an act of ëair-delivered terrorí during the height of market day was in tune with Nazi General Erich Ludernoffís concept of ëThe Total Warí killing of civilians as a part of modern warfare, sparing no one in society so that the military could more quickly accomplish its conquering.

Picassoís most famous painting ëGuernicaí was created in response to that Nazi bombing.
And be aware that when our own Colin Powell presented that untrue case for invading Iraq on February 5th, 2003 at the UN Security Council, ëU.N. officials, at U.S. request, placed a curtain over a tapestry of Picassoís Guernica, located at the entrance to the Security Council chambers.í
We, our nation, the Bush administration, did not want to have that painting and its images as a backdrop to possibly kindle any connection toward what could be, as depicted by arguably the finest painter of the 20th century, and a possibly declared war on the people of Iraq.

And now we have Alberto Gonzales nominated to replace John Ashcroft as our Attorney General. Yes, the man who thinks the Geneva Conventions are ìobsolete.î So now we can kill civilians with impunity, and torture and disappear people depriving them of the rights that used to make America America. Maybe Osama bin Laden has won the battle? Donít we find ourselves moving more toward how Osamaís homeland kingdom of Saudi Arabia and other suppressive states rule their people, instead of steadying the course maintaining true freedom, our rights to a prompt trial, habeas corpus, and all that old rot that we paranoidly sacrifice to fight the never-ending war on terrorism? Imposing our ideas and policies upon other nations at the same time?

There is much more to fear in the next four years. But those of us who are not sympathetic to unequal pay for women, suing retirees to lower their pension payments, destroying the environment for corporate profits, lowering the bar on government intrusion into our homes and lives, must express themselves NOW as the battles are waged on the America we know and love
in these times of division and suspicion.

Hereís a pearl of wisdom for you to consider, from John Berger, one of our most perceptive writers: ëëA sine qua non for the unity of the world is the end of exploitation.í We were the country that all countries used to look to for justice, as prepared for us by our enlightened forefathers via the provisions of our unique constitution. Today, our leaders and the corporations that support them – or is it vice versa? – are threatening peace on Earth as we could know it. Perhaps, as some suggest, we, now, under George Bush, are the global terrorists that our own people must denounce, so that our children and those of all other countries can survive without ruining the future all Earthlings could enjoy.

copyright 2004 Conrad Miller M.D.

ëA Few Political Developments,í by Molly Ivins, The Free Press, November 25th , also
ëSmoking While Iraq Burns,í by Naomi Klein, The Guardian U.K., November 26, 2004, also available at
ëAdventure Capitalism – The Hidden 2001 Plan to Carve-up Iraq,í by Greg Palast,, October 27, 2004.
ëU.S. Media Miss Rumsfeldís ëDirty Warsí Talk,í by Jim Lobe, Inter Press Service, November 23, 2004, also available at
ëThe Enduring General,í by Isabel Hilton, Granta, Issue Number 87, page 254.
ëU.S. Media Miss Rumsfeldís ëDirty Warsí Talk,í by Jim Lobe, Inter Press Service, November 23, 2004, also available at
ëSmoking While Iraq Burns,í by Naomi Klein, The Guardian U.K., November 26, 2004, also available at
ëWhereís Picasso?í by Saul Landau, Progreso Weekly, November 25, 2004, also available at
Ibid., Klein.
ëThe Moment of Cubismí by John Berger, The Sense of Sight, page 165.

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