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26th Anniversary Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster – Fukushima Leaking Massive Amounts Radiation Poisoning Pacific Ocean Basin

April 26 2012 marks the 26th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. It has been estimated by Dr. Alexei Yablokov et. al., that, so far, about one million people have died premature deaths due to the steam explosion and ten day graphite fire that occurred at nuclear reactor Number Four in Ukraine, when that nation used to be part of the USSR back in 1986. These deaths have occurred, and many more will follow, not from just the explosion itself (‘only 31 died’ many media forums continue to say), but from the long-lived radioactive contamination of the soil, air and water that will continue killing and mutating life forms for centuries.

Obama Nominates Two Terrible GMO Boosters To Control Food Safety

President Obama is quietly nominating two of the WORST lobbyists and activists and mercenaries for the cause of genetically modified foods (GMO’s) as potential members of his administration. Here are some brief details and a link for you to easily do something about it: YOU can send President Obama an email.

Don’t Let Obama Put Two Terrible GMO Boosters in Charge of Food Safety!

Genetically modified foods are not safe. The only reason they’re in our food supply is because government bureaucrats with ties to industry suppressed or manipulated scientific research and deprived consumers of the information they need to make informed choices about whether or not to eat genetically modified foods. There are no GMO foods on the supermarket shelves in Europe, due to public knowledge of these foods’ and crops’ toxic affects and dangers.

Now, the Obama Administration is putting two notorious biotech bullies in charge of food safety! Former Monsanto lobbyist Michael Taylor has been appointed as a senior advisor to the Food and Drug Administration Commissioner on food safety. And, rBGH-using (recombinant [genetically altered] Bovine Growth Hormone – used in about 18% of our dairy cows as biweekly injections; milk produced having greatly increased amounts of insulin growth factor-1, linked to breast, prostate and colon cancer; the main reason dairy products lead the organic market in rocketing sales, because our parents do know about this) dairy farmer and Pennsylvania Agriculture Secretary Dennis Wolff is rumored to be President Obama’s choice for Under-Secretary of Agriculture for Food Safety. Wolfe spearheaded anti-consumer legislation in Pennsylvania that would have taken away the rights of consumers to know whether their milk and dairy products were contaminated with Monsanto’s (now Eli Lilly’s) genetically engineered Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH).
Please use the form below to send a message to President Obama, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius (oversees FDA) demanding Michael Taylor’s resignation, and letting them know that you oppose Dennis Wolff’s appointment.
Highlight and paste (or click onto) this link into your world wide web box to send Mr. Obama a message that you disapprove of another foolish step in the wrong direction concerning our food, and our environment.

This is awful! As I said a few months ago, Secretary Vilsack (Agriculture) was the President’s worst nominee for a cabinet post, in my opinion. Now we have these two nightmares being chosen to be a part of our government.

Americans should be aware of the rejection of GMO alfalfa by our govt (for fear of contaminating all the alfalfa around the country – hay, baby), the quiet approval of GMO-sugar beets, making ~50% of USA sugar thusly GMO without practically anyone even knowing about it, and the new push to GMO our wheat, which had been rejected and protested by major wheat users across the board back in 2004. The American public should be aware of what research scientists have tried to reveal, especially their adverse health effects, well-publicized in Europe. For example, that rats experimentally fed GMO potatoes developed smaller brains, testicles, and livers than did rats fed the unaltered parent line of the very same potatoes. McDonald’s was among those who protested the release of these GMO potatoes into the public environment, and these potatoes indeed were prevented from ever reaching the market.

There are so many bad effects of genetically altering our crop’s DNA for patenting and profits. Gene-gunning in gene sequences promoted by the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus have caused intestinal problems in experimental animals including increasing the size of the absorbtive villi in their [our] intestines, which amongst other things may lead to cancer. This process can also awaken dormant viruses that have resided in the DNA. The overall dangerous effect is that of opening Pandora’s box to all sorts of unknown possibilities being unleashed into our bodies and our environment.

Alert anyone and everyone you can about this travesty!
Stay healthy,
All the Best,
Conrad Miller M.D.
Author of the 2008 released
The Most Important Issues Americans THINK They Know Enough About – Edition 3
My book’s largest chapter (# Two – 183 pages) discusses genetically altered foods and crops and their dangers, and the politics behind their use being hailed in the USA lately like the emperor’s new clothes.

Dr. Miller On Tikkun Magazine Call-In Oct 26 9PM EST

Dr. Conrad Miller M.D. will be available on October 26, 2009 for questions concerning his recent Tikkun magazine articles ‘Energy Generation in the Obama Years (No, Nuclear Power is Not ‘Safe and Clean’)’ and ‘Today’s Synthetic Foods: Shrinking Our Brains, Testicles and Livers?’  The latter was published in the Sept/Oct 2009 issue starting on page 27; the former was published in the July/August 2009 issue and can now be viewed online via or you may purchase or subscribe to the magazine.

For participation in this phonecall you may dial 888-346-3950 and then the code 11978#

It will begin at 9 PM EST or 6 PM PST (Pacific Standard Time) with an interview with Dr. Miller, and then questions will be entertained from call-in participants.  Jeffrey M. Smith, author of ‘Seeds of Deception,’ will be available during the call-in segment to add to the conversation with his knowledge of the latest occurrences concerning genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) and the stories about their usage from around the world.

Recent news that President Obama has nominated two more pro-biotech anti-labelling men for important Dept of Agriculture positions will be discussed.  According to the Organic Consumers Association, President Obama originally had promised to ensure GMO food  and crops would indeed be labelled, as these entities are for 40% of the world’s population today.  Now the industry is being given the green light to go ahead with its grand plans to have the world’s wheat become GMO and patented.  Problems with the immune system, the gastrointestinal tract, incorporation into human DNA causing unknown changes in DNA function, are just some of the problems being discovered as our world is being changed not responsibly for the better by the process of imprecise gene-gunning of novel alien gene sequences into the DNA of corn and canola and cotton and soy, for beginners….In addition, Monsanto and the Gene Giants are trying to get control of the planet’s seeds so people can not pass them on to other food raisers around the planet, as mankind has always done.  Contracts have to be signed; people have gone to jail for violating these contracts.  Even seed ‘cleaners,’ like the man depicted in the movie ‘Food, Inc.,’ have been taken to court, their livelihoods demolished, because of this corporatization of our food production system (‘Food, Inc.,’ a MUST-see movie), patenting seeds so free-loaders can’t use them or be given them.

That’s October 26, 2009 at 6 PM on the West Coast of the USA and 9 PM on the East Coast.  Everyone is welcome.  Arranged by Tikkun Magazine. 

Presidential Debate #3 Nuclear Power Option Unrebuked

During the third and last presidential debate on Oct 15th, John McCain said “We can eliminate our dependence on foreign oil by building 45
new nuclear plants, power plants, right away.” Barack Obama did not respond to this by saying the obvious:
“But, John, only TWO percent of our electricity is produced from oil!  And by the way, 80 percent of our uranium for our nuclear plants is imported.” 

Alas, he declined to do this.  This whole nuclear option is NO option.  Nuclear power is not ‘green’ nor is it ‘safe and clean.’  We still have the tons of nuclear waste that are radioactive for 500,000 years that we cannot safely store.  Radioactivity from the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident has contaminated an area north of the exploded Ukrainian plant across a 750 mile diameter for 100,000 years, according to the late Dr. Vladimir Chernousenko, the nuclear physicist in charge
of cleaning up the worst industrial accident in mankind’s history.  When the next Chernobyl happens, that will be the end of nuclear
power, but it will come too late.  For our presidential candidates are both mouthing support for the nuclear power option when its health effects should eliminate the dirtiest most-toxic technology commonly employed by mankind from the energy roundtable.  When the media should be hosting a debate on nuclear power, allowing scientists to participate
who can discuss what radioactivity can do to the human body, and the cells of all living organisms. 

Dr. Alexey Yablokov, president of the Center for Russian Environmental Policy, informs us in his 2007 book that 300,000 people prematurely died so far as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear plant explosion and fire.  Nuclear proponents continue to proclaim that only 31 people died at Chernobyl, as if there is no such thing as radioactivity, and over 500 radionuclides like plutonium-239 that are produced in our 104 nuclear plants every day as a result of the
fissioning or splitting of uranium to make heat to produce steam to turn a turbine to produce electricity.

Remember, all these radionuclides have dangerous ‘half-life’ periods during
which their radioactive beams can mutate your DNA and that of your fetus especially, to produce unsurvivability, death, genetic defects and cancer.  Plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,000 years.  After one half life, HALF the radioactivity of plutonium-239 or any radionuclide is still present.  The danger of this radioactivity to produce ill-effects continues thru 10-20 half-lives, which scientists call a radioactive element’s ‘hazardous life.’  For plutonium-239 that means 240,000 to 480,000 years.  And only one millionth of one gram is the lung cancer causing dose for plutonium.  That means that with 454 grams in one pound, twenty pounds of plutonium could cause lung cancer in every human being on Earth if the plutonium is dispersed and spread about the planet to possibly be inhaled by each of us 6.8 billion Earthlings.

I have decided to post my new nuclear power chapter (99% completed) from the latest edition of my book ‘The Most Important Issues Americans THINK They Know About – Edition III’ on my website so that everyone can read a broad informative discussion about nuclear power from a concerned physician’s perspective, written for the layman.  It will be available in a pdf format with images and photos to make it more enjoyable and to highlight certain important concepts.

The entire book, six chapters in all, with a four part Appendicies, and nearly 1000 references, will be available from my website on October 24th 2008.  It should be available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc., by mid-November.

All books purchased from the website shall be autographed by the author, until further notice.

Contact me if you have any questions on nuclear power, the health effects of radioactivity, and what we can do with especially wind and solar power to provide ALL the electricity American homes need within a few years.  YES! we can do that starting NOW!  See
the website for more vital information…

Dr. Miller On World Internet NY and Texas Radio Oct 7 & 10th 2008

Dr. Conrad Miller will appear on the ‘Morning Big Show with
Mike Cope and James Williams’ on KXYL-Radio 96.9 FM
Tues 8:45 AM EST Oct 7 2008. The station is based
in Brownwood, Texas.
We are unsure at this time if you can hear the show
realtime via the internet. However, we will be checking & update you ASAP.
You can go to the website to try to hear the show on Tuesday.

On Friday Oct 10 2008 at 5 PM EST, Dr. Miller will appear
on the ‘Keeler Drive Show’ on WXUR-FM 92.7 radio in Utica,
in central New York.
The show CAN be heard anywhere in the world via the internet.
Go to
and hit the red button for the 3-6 PM show.

‘Where’s The Common Sense?’ will be the subject
of the conversation. If you
are not in the Brownwood, Texas or Utica, NY areas,
and wish to hear the shows, go to the
above websites and click on the right buttons.

Expect to hear some of the subjects below

Corporate greed and the breakdown of our governmental
regulatory system has led us
to a $700 Billion bank bailout. Our common sense
should be offended by what we have to put
up with: foreclosures on millions of our homes,
but the banks and their CEO’s getting federal handouts.
Ignoring re-instating a 2008 version of the 1999-repealed
Glass-Steagall Act that separated activities of
commercial and investment banks.

Energy pundits not spending our hard earned money on
alternate energy that could safely supply ALL American
homes with electricity before the first new nuclear plant
ordered in over 30 years might come on line by 2015.

Having to swallow
the ridiculous claim that nuclear power is ‘green’ – while
the nuclear industry sneakily attempts to get
UNLIMITED loan guarantees below the radar of media reportage.
How the two main presidential candidates stand on nuclear power,
and especially the uncompromised-scientist-rejected proposed
high level radioactive waste (HLRW) disposal center
at Yucca Mountain, in Nevada. In a state that
has NO nuclear power plants, yet could
become the central dumping area for all of America’s
nuclear waste, as unsafe as the site is, with 33
earthquake faults.

The media failing to report news like HALF of all
non-organic sugar will be of the genetically modified
(GMO) variety by the end of 2008. Not hearing that
GMO-fed rats developed smaller brains, testicles, and
livers when compared to control study rats. Europeans aware
of GMO dangers, hardly having any GMO products on their
supermarket shelves today, while the overwhelming majority
of Americans remain totally ignorant of GMO foods’ dangers.

Corporations gaining too much influence over
our govt and media for us to even know this has happened,
leading our country in so many wrong directions.

Dr. Conrad Miller’s latest book ‘The Most Important Issues
Americans THINK They Know Enough About – Edition III’
discusses this overall picture.

Dr. Miller on WCCC Hartford (& Internet) Radio Oct 1 9:35 AM

Dr. Conrad Miller will appear on the ‘Sebastian In
The Morning’ Radio Show Weds 9:35 AM Oct 1 2008
on WCCC 106.9 FM radio out of Hartford, Conn. 
‘Where’s The Common Sense?’ will be the subject
of the conversation. If you
are not in the Hartford, Connecticut area, you
can hear the show at via
the internet.

Expect to hear some of the subjects below

Corporate greed and the breakdown of our governmental
regulatory system has led us
to a $700 Billion bank bailout.  Our common sense
should be offended by what we have to put
up with: foreclosures on millions of our homes,
but only the banks getting federal handouts.  Ignoring
re-instating the 1999-repealed Glass-Steagall Act that
separated activities of commercial and investment banks. 
Energy pundits not spending our hard earned money on
alternate energy that could safely supply ALL American
homes with electricity before the first new nuclear plant
in 40 years might come on line by 2015.  Having to swallow
the ridiculous claim that nuclear power is ‘green’ – while
the nuclear industry sneakily attempts to get
UNLIMITED loan guarantees below the radar of media reportage. 
The media failing to report news like HALF of all
non-organic sugar will be of the genetically modified
(GMO) variety by the end of 2008.  Not hearing that
GMO-fed rats developed smaller brains, testicles, and
livers when compared to control study rats.  Corporations
gaining too much influence over our govt and media for us to
even know this has happened, leading our country in so many
wrong directions.  Dr. Conrad Miller’s latest book ‘The Most
Important Issues Americans THINK They Know Enough About – Edition III’
discusses this overall picture.  

Dr. Miller On World Internet & Canada Radio Sept 21 2008 on Barry Shainbaum Show

Dr. Conrad Miller will be on your radio and internet radio
Sunday Sept 21 2008 at both 11 AM and 10 PM Eastern Standard Time
on the Perspectives with Barry Shainbaum show.  The third edition
of Dr. Miller’s book The Most Important Issues Americans THINK They Know Enough About, which
will be available October 1st 2008, will hold many details of the
issues discussed during the show [link for you two
paragraphs below].  
Topics Of Interest Addressed On The Show
Is nuclear power really possibly green? 
Can we produce all the electricity for America's homes with wind or solar?
[The answer is yes, for both]
50% of USA non-organic sugar likely will become of the genetically
modified variety in 2008 if consumers don’t call Kellogg’s and all the
other potential mass users of this patented-sugar-beet-half of the granulated
sugar market to demand labelling.  You can go
to to perform your civic duty on this issue,
and see and/or download a colorful one page pamphlet facilitating awareness
and citizen activism.   
Are you aware of the North American Union and its being quietly laid
upon the foundation of NAFTA to override many safeguards and laws of
our three countries’ democracies [USA, Mexico, Canada] without any voting?  
If you’ve watched the Republican convention and heard John McCain, you know
about the urge to DRILL! BABY, DRILL! for oil offshore.  However,
the so-called ‘Gang of 10’ Senators in the US Senate who will be bringing
a New Energy Reform Act of 2008 bill/amendment up later this week (9-18/19-08) that
will back drilling for offshore oil, also have included provision(s) for
unlimited loan guarantees for nuclear power!  This is not being publicized.  
Wednesday Sept 17, 2008 is being organized as a ‘call-in day’ by for Americans to call their Senators at 1-202-224-3121
to say “no taxpayer loan guarantees for nuclear power.” [See NIRS alert 
on this issue right here on this website's home page.   Remember that in
June 2008 Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut tried to engineer
through $544 BILLION with a ‘B’ in subsidies for nuclear power.  USA budget
total is ~3 trillion dollars, or 3,000 (three thousand) billion dollars.
To listen to the one hour show on Sunday starting at 11 AM Sept 21 2008,
if you are not in the Toronto area, go to  
and click on the ‘Radio Show’ words in the list on the left on the home page.  
Then click on the Hope FM link

for the 11 AM to noon re-broadcast.  

For the 10-11 PM Sept 21 2008 re-broadcast, same same but

click on the Grace FM link.  And you will hear Dr. Miller and Mr. Shainbaum.


The Sept 21 2008 11 AM to Noon re-broadcast show can be heard on

Hope Radio CJFH 94.3 FM on your terrestrial radio in your car and

home and boat and RV – coming to you out of Woodstock, Ontario, Canada.


The Sept 21 2008 10-11 PM show can be heard on

Grace Radio CHJX 105.9 FM beamed out from London, Ontario, Canada.


Mr. Shainbaum’s website states:

*Note: You will need Windows Media Player in order to listen to the internet broadcast. If you do not have Windows Media Player, you can download it here.

Look for Dr. Miller’s book on or via this website.